Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 27 Issue 01

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Volume 27, No. 1
Pages 69 - 75


Anthropogenic Lead Emissions in the Ocean: The Evolving Global Experiment

By Edward A. Boyle , Jong-Mi Lee , Yolanda Echegoyen, Abigail Noble, Simone Moos, Gonzalo Carrasco , Ning Zhao, Richard Kayser , Jing Zhang, Toshitaka Gamo , Hajime Obata, and Kazuhiro Norisuye 
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Article Abstract

We review the current distribution of lead and lead isotopes in the ocean with regard to the evolving pattern of human emissions during the past decades and centuries.


Boyle, E.A., J.-M. Lee, Y. Echegoyen, A. Noble, S. Moos, G. Carrasco, N. Zhao, R. Kayser, J. Zhang, T. Gamo, H. Obata, and K. Norisuye. 2014. Anthropogenic lead emissions in the ocean: The evolving global experiment. Oceanography 27(1):69–75, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2014.10.

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