Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 19 Issue 01

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Volume 19, No. 1
Pages 7 - 8



By Larry Clark  
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During a recent staff meeting at the office, a colleague commented that 2005 was an especially challenging and frustrating year for the ocean sciences community. I believe this was a valid observation, especially if one were a researcher seeking funding support during a period of flat or decreasing federal budgets, or for the many people in the ocean community who were impacted by the disastrous hurricanes this past season. But for The Oceanography Society (TOS), it was a good year. This positive assessment comes from considering how well TOS fulfilled expectations of its membership and met its basic mission. This success is all about TOS people.


Clark, L. 2006. From the President: All about TOS people. Oceanography 19(1):7–8, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2006.100.

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