Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 16 Issue 03

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Volume 16, No. 3
Pages 60 - 66


A Century of Phytoplankton Research at Scripps

By Peter J.S. Franks  
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Over the past 100 years Scripps Institution of Oceanography has been a center for plankton research. Its reputation has waxed and waned depending largely on the scientists present, and their ability to incorporate new technologies, collect and interpret new data, and synthesize and disseminate their results. The study of marine phytoplankton has always been limited by the technologies available to gather and analyze samples. It is not surprising then that the development of technology and evolution of ideas at Scripps has mirrored, and often driven, the changes in the oceanographic community as a whole.


Franks, P.J.S. 2003. A century of phytoplankton research at Scripps. Oceanography 16(3):60–66, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2003.32.

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