Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 24 Issue 04

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Volume 24, No. 4
Pages 24 - 31


Typhoon-Ocean Interaction in the Western North Pacific: Part 1

By Eric D’Asaro , Peter Black, Luca Centurioni , Patrick Harr, Steven Jayne, I.-I. Lin , Craig M. Lee , Jan Morzel , Rosalinda Mrvaljevic , Pearn P. Niiler, Luc Rainville, Thomas Sanford , and Tswen Yung Tang 
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Article Abstract

The application of new technologies has allowed oceanographers and meteorologists to study the ocean beneath typhoons in detail. Recent studies in the western Pacific Ocean reveal new insights into the influence of the ocean on typhoon intensity.


D’Asaro, E., P. Black, L. Centurioni, P. Harr, S. Jayne, I.-I. Lin, C. Lee, J. Morzel, R. Mrvaljevic, P.P. Niiler, L. Rainville, T. Sanford, and T.Y. Tang. 2011. Typhoon-ocean interaction in the western North Pacific: Part 1. Oceanography 24(4):24–31, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2011.91.

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